( E N G. ) - ( Tutorial: How to open a bank account in Georgia - Data exchange? Security? “Remote”?! ) - ( Text below! ) * Die leider fortlaufende Erosion an Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Verlässlichkeit in der BRD drängt für Millionen politisch und wirtschaftlich Gefährdete die Frage nach einem „Plan B“ in den Vordergrund. Ein Thema dabei: Bank-Konten, die nicht der 2017 implementierten (fast) EU-weiten „Kontenpfändungs-Verordnung" unterliegen. Der Druck des neuen eurasischen Kriegs hat zwar neben der Ukraine, Moldawien und Armenien nun auch die Ex-Sowjetrepublik Georgien in die Arme des globalistischen „CRS"-Datenaustauschs getrieben - bietet aber weiterhin für Ausländer viele Vorteile. Hier nun Tipps & Tricks für eine richtige Umsetzung - sowie Infos zu Ländern, die grundsätzlich nicht mal Daten ans Bundes-Finanzamt liefern. * https://web-archive.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/crs-by-jurisdiction/ ( CRS-Liste ) * ( E N G. ) - ( This video is about how to open a bank account in Georgia, a lovely small country between Russia and Turkey. I don´t know about any other country in the world which allows foreigners to open bank accounts that easily and fastly as here. Such accounts are in laris, euros, US dollars and British pounds at once - and can be used with Visa and Master Cards internationally. Banks are stable, especially "Bank of Georgia" or "TBC" - and offer online banking too. Meanwhile Georgia was forced to sign FATCA and CRS, and will exchange clients information ... but there still are ways to get around this, for example by living in Georgia and using a local address. In corona times we all saw how fast and tyrannical globalist domination can take over. Diversification of bank accounts could be one element of ones personal "flag theory" to protect yourself from persecution which becomes stronger, also in the West. Georgian bank accounts can also be opened by power of attorney - but it needs to be apostilled, translated and being written accurately to avoid problems like those I´ve faced. Do mention everything which is necessary precisely - including a validity period! ) * ALTERNATIV-KANÄLE IM FALLE VON ZENSUR, bitte sichern: https://t.me/billysix https://vk.com/billysix https://www.bitchute.com/channel/EUW1vVMaY0an https://gettr.com/user/six_billy https://twitter.com/six_billy
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